Core Curriculum With Diverse Activities

Our learners emerge confident, capable and ready for elementary school with a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy skills. Adhering to the New Jersey's State Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards as well as the Common Core State Standards for Kindergarten, our learners acquire the relevant skills and concepts in a hands-on, stimulating setting. Beginning with our youngest learners, students are immersed in language and numbers while also exploring the world of music, art and movement. An emphasis on character education and cooperative learning develops the social skills needed to be successful in both the classroom and life.
St. Andrew’s offers Spanish instruction to our fives and kindergarteners. Our fives are first exposed to the Spanish language twice a week, while our full day Kindergarten program offers Spanish instruction four times a week. Second language exposure in early childhood cultivates not only a love of language but also supports all language skills.
Similar to language instruction, music affords our learners another pathway to engagement. All classes have one formal music class each week where a variety of music skills including vocalization and instrument playing are encouraged. The kindergarten has two sessions of music instruction per week, with the children learning how to successfully play recorders. Our music instruction culminates in seasonal performances which all family members are encouraged to attend.
We also offer a wide variety of Enrichment classes to augment our strong academic program. The classes are offered in two fourteen week sessions that run throughout the school year.