Welcome to St. Andrew's Gallery
A visit to St. Andrew's, an expansive five acres, will give you an idea of the opportunities to be found here...

Situated on five acres of property, three main school buildings including a separate building for the kindergarten, St. Andrew's offers a unique campus experience for our families and children. A fenced-in playground area is attached to each building for outdoor play on a daily basis.
The campus offers generous space for classrooms, enrichment activities, and numerous events.

Early childhood education is vital to providing the foundation for future academic success. Therefore, all of our classrooms are welcoming, safe, and designed to foster growth and active learning. We have over 25 dedicated professionals who are skilled in supporting the development of young children. St. Andrew’s is committed to maintaining a low student to teacher ratio. Our 2.5 and 3 year olds have a 6:1 ratio, our 4 year olds a 7:1 ratio, our 5 year olds a 9:1, and our Kindergarten a 10:1 ratio. These ratios encourage individualized attention for each and every student who attends St. Andrew’s.

Located in 4 separate fenced in areas adjacent to our school buildings, our outdoor playgrounds provide a fun, safe, and highly active environment for our children. In inclement weather all classes have scheduled time in the Parish Hall and gymnasium for gross motor activities.

The Enrichment Program provides a warm, caring environment beyond school hours. We offer exciting activities which stimulate children to be healthier and happier including sports, art activities, computer exploration, cooking "around the world" among others. Enrichment Programs take place on our school facilities utilizing age-appropriate materials and equipment for students. These enrichments are open to the public as well as current students and alumni of St. Andrew's.