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E V E N T S​

​To see or print a full list of events and exact dates, or to import the events to your personal calendar please see the School Calendar page.

Kids Coupon Book Fundraiser

September / October


A book containing many coupons ranging from restaurants, retail stores, children's clothing, museums and much more!  A valuable item to have, we've found this an easy and profitable fundraiser.

Picture Days



Parent volunteers assist teachers in escorting children to get their pictures taken and making sure everyone is camera ready.

Family Fun Day



St. Andrew's families gather on a Sunday for a fun afternoon of games and socializing. Volunteers will help with staffing games and general organizational plans.

Parents' Night Out

November, January, March, May


Come out for an evening to relax and socialize with other St. Andrew's families. Venue to be determined.

Giving Tree



In late November, our staircase is adorned with opportunities to buy gifts for other children who are less fortunate. This is a great way for our children to help make another child's holiday special.

Ornament Sale



Families donate new ornaments for the chidren to "purchase".  The children may "buy" an ornament which is then wrapped by volunteers. The children really enjoy this exciting event.

Teacher/Staff Holiday Luncheon



A wonderful opportunity for the teachers and staff of St. Andrew's to sit together and celebrate the upcoming holidays.  This is a great opportunity to show your appreciation of our fantastic teachers and staff.

Family Fun Day



We will host a family-friendly activity on a Sunday afternoon. Each year, the theme will change but it is sure to be a crowd pleaser. In addition, it provides an opportunity to invite new families to "preview" the St. Andrew's experience.

Family Event / Pizza Night / Open House



We will host a family friendly activity at night. Each year, the theme will change, but it is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Pizza, of course, will be shared! In addition, it provides an opportunity to invite new families to "preview" the St. Andrew's experience.

Dessert with Someone Special


This is an evening event for St. Andrew's School children and a special friend or friends of their choice to come and enjoy ice cream at school.  The children love this event as well as seeing their school friends at night.

Spring Fling Fundraiser



This basket-raffle is the primary fundraiser for St. Andrew's.  This wonderful evening requires many helping hands to be successful.  From the food and decor to invitations and solicitations for baskets, there are many ways to become involved.

Teacher Appreciation Days



In conjunction with the nationally celebrated week, St. Andrew's makes this a special time for our teachers.  Members of the Parents' Association organize two days of goodies for all the teachers.

Playground Social


An opportunity to meet your future classmates and say goodbye to your current classmates! Meet on St. Andrew's playgrounds based on age groups, while enjoying delicious ice cream treats.


They say that volunteers are the heart of any organization, and St. Andrew's School is no exception.  It is through our fundraisers and many family events that we can sponsor activities such as Pizza Night, Craft Night, and Dessert with Someone Special.  The children and parents thoroughly enjoy these events each year.  We have many events and festivities that we need help with during the year.  Below is a description of some of the events to which we hope you will consider lending your hearts and hands.

Class Parents

Each class, depending on the size, has 2 or 3 class parents.  This is done on a volunteer basis and there is ample opportunity for everyone to volunteer if they would like. Responsibilities include organizing a back-to-school class coffee, orchestrating sign-up for class parties, activating the snow chain and helping with Teacher Appreciation Week.


Help raise money for St. Andrew's while you shop! If you're planning to purchase from Shutterfly, TinyPrints or Mabels Labels, please use these links to make your purchase! Monies will go to enrichment opportunities for our kids which are funded by the Parents' Association.


Shutterfly/TinyPrints fundraiser (13% commission for St. Andrews):

Mabel's Labels fundraiser (20% commission for St. Andrews): (search for St. Andrew's Preschool and Kindergarten)

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